Table of Content

Catch undefined keys and exit with 1

    "action": "do_something",
    "condition1": "42",
    "condition2": true
$ jq -n -c 'input | if .condition3 then .condition3 else null | halt_error(1) end' <<<"${my_json_variable}"

The above will result in no output and a returncode of 1 while the following will return the vaule and with exit code 0:

$ jq -n -c 'input | if .condition1 then .condition1 else null | halt_error(1) end' <<<"${my_json_variable}"

Outputs without quotes

$ cat output1| jq -r -c '[.[] | .certname,.report_timestamp]'

Outputs full result into one line

$ cat output1| jq -c '[.[] | .certname,.report_timestamp]'

Outputs full each result

$ cat output1| jq -c '.[] | {certname:.certname,report_timestamp:.report_timestamp}'

Outputs each result into one line with given vaules

$ cat output1| jq -c '.[] | [.report_timestamp,.certname]'

Sorting by values

$ cat output1| jq -c 'sort_by(.catalog_timestamp,.report_timestamp) | .[] | [.catalog_timestamp,.report_timestamp,.certname]'

Filter by values

$ cat output1| jq '. | select ( .certname == "host1" )'
    "certname":  "host1",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:26:32.459Z"
$ cat output1| jq '. | select ( .certname == "host1" ) | .report_timestamp'


Filter at any values

$ cat output1| jq '. | select ( any(. == "host1") )'
    "certname":  "host1",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:26:32.459Z"

Filter at any values and contains

$ cat output1| jq '. | select ( any(conatins("ho")) )'
    "certname":  "host1",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:26:32.459Z"
    "certname":  "host2",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:18:29.598Z"

Filter at key names using has

$ cat output1 | jq '. | select( has("certname") )

This will return the full hash where it found a key named certname

    "certname":  "host1",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:26:32.459Z"
    "certname":  "host2",
    "report_timestamp": "2019-10-14T11:18:29.598Z"

Filter at keys contain match

$ cat output1 | jq '. | with_entries( select ( .key|contains("name") ))'
  "certname": "host1"
  "certname": "host2"

Filter and remove nested hashes

I had a json output where I needed to find all hosts which have external mountpoints attached + where they got mounted.

To remove the data from a nested hash, without knowing the keys of the hash, you can use something like this:

Json sample:

   "hostname": "my_host1",
   "value": {
       "/": {
           "filesystem": "xfs",
           "size": "10GB",
           "user": "root",
           "group": "root"
       "/mnt": {
           "filesystem": "cifs",
           "size": "4TB",
           "user": "mnt_user",
           "group": "mnt_user"
       "/var": {
           "filesystem": "xfs",
           "size": "8GB",
           "user": "root",
           "group": "root"
   "hostname": "my_host2",
   "value": {
       "/": {
           "filesystem": "xfs",
           "size": "12GB",
           "user": "root",
           "group": "root"
       "/var": {
           "filesystem": "xfs",
           "size": "8GB",
           "user": "root",
           "group": "root"
       "/data/shared": {
           "filesystem": "cifs",
           "d11": "200GB",
           "d12": "shared",
           "d13": "shared"
$ cat disk_sample.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.hostname | contains("my_")) | select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. == "cifs")) | walk( del( select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. != "cifs") ) ) ) | del(..|select(. == null))'

This will result into:

  "hostname": "my_host1",
  "value": {
    "/mnt": {
      "filesystem": "cifs",
      "size": "4TB",
      "user": "mnt_user",
      "group": "mnt_user"
  "hostname": "my_host2",
  "value": {
    "/data/shared": {
      "filesystem": "cifs",
      "d11": "200GB",
      "d12": "shared",
      "d13": "shared"

So what is it doing:

  1. select(.hostname | contains("my_")): ensures that I only get the hosts which contain the string my_
  2. select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. == "cifs")): It selects all objects which have a child(+childchild…) with the key filesystem and the value cifs
  3. walk( del( select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. != "cifs") ) ) ): it walks through the result, starting in the deepest level and deletes every objects data containing a key which has not the value cifs: it walks through the result, starting in the deepest level and deletes every objects data containing the key filesystem which has not the value cifs.
  4. del(..|select(. == null)): Removes all objects where the value is null

To only get now the hostnames + where the storages got mounted, you can add this:

Changed the parameter -r ot -c on the jq command

and appended in the jq query this: | walk( del( select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. == "cifs") ) ) )

$ cat test.json| jq -c '.[] | select(.hostname | contains("my_")) | select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. == "cifs")) | walk( del( select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. != "cifs") ) ) ) | del(..|select(. == null)) | walk( del( select(.. | .filesystem? | select(. == "cifs") ) ) ) | [.hostname,.value]'

which leads to this result:


Use Value as Key

Sample json for this and merge sektion section

  "contacts": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Mensch1",
      "type": "user"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Team1",
      "type": "team"
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Mensch2",
      "type": "team"
      "id": 4,
      "name": "Mensch4",
      "type": "user"
      "id": 5,
      "name": "Mensch5",
      "type": "user"
      "id": 6,
      "name": "Team3",
      "type": "team"

This is is where the join happens {(.name): .id}, before that we do a sort, to just get all items with type user.

$ jq -r  '.contacts | .[] | select (.type == "user") | {(.name): .id}' <./test.json

As resulte we get this:

  "Mensch1": 1
  "Mensch4": 4
  "Mensch5": 5


To merge the above shown result into one hash, you have to create out of the above result one single array [ ] and pipe it through an add

$ jq -r  '[.contacts | .[] | select (.type == "user") | {(.name): .id}] | add' <./test.json

Now you just get one single hash as a result of the add

  "Mensch1": 1,
  "Mensch4": 4,
  "Mensch5": 5



To use external variables which might contain special characters where which need to me masked or you just want to feed it from the outsoud, you could go this way:

$ jq '{ key: $value }' --arg value 'pas\\\\\3"21T!$!41tsword' -n
  "key": "pas\\\\\\\\\\3\"21T!$!41tsword"