Docu review done: Mon 03 Jul 2023 17:10:10 CEST



For now includes pacman and aurutils which are basically own tools but each section is too small for its own file.


pacman -Syurepo & package upgrade
pacman -Syu [packagename]recommended way of installing a package as partial upgrades are not supported
pacman -S [packagename]install only this package without upgrading all other packages
pacman -Rsc $packagenameremove package and its dependencies if they are not required by another package
pacman -Ss [searchstring]search for searchstring in repos
pacman -Si [packagename]show package info (remote)
pacman -Qi [packagename]show package info (local)
pacman -F [filename]search all installable packages for filename
pacman -Qmlist packages not available in sources (also lists not upgraded packages)
pacman -Qdtqlist packages installed as dependencies but not required anymore
pacman -Qdtq | pacman -Rs -as above + remove them
pacman -Qdttq | pacman -Rs -as above + ignore optional deps
pacman -Qqelist explicitly installed packages


aur sync -c [packagename]build [packagename]
aur sync -uupdate all packages
aur repo --list | aur vercmpshow packages that can be updated
repo-remove $repo $packageremove package from repo, repo must be .db.tar ending


When providing kernel parameters rd.debug rd.log=file initramfs will write a debug log to /run/initramfs/init.log. (tested with mkinicpio)